Quality control of X-Ray equipment
On an annual basis, the UTPR of SCI conducts a Quality Control of its customers’ X-ray Emitting Equipment, to ensure the production of images of the best possible quality for diagnosis and that the doses received by patients are as low as reasonably achievable, while respecting the general aspects of radiological protection.
Quality control is performed in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Spanish Protocol for Quality Control in Radiodiagnosis, applying the tolerances established therein and in Royal Decree 1976/1999.
In the event that the values obtained exceed the tolerances established for a piece of equipment, the facility manager determine, taking into account the evolution of the patient dose and radiographic image quality indicators, the actions to be taken: revision of the equipment, more frequent quality controls, alteration of work procedures, temporary suspension of the equipment until it is repaired, etc…
Measurement of radiation levels
The SCI’s UTPR performs annually, and whenever the usual working conditions are modified or any irregularity affecting radiation protection is detected, the monitoring of the Radiation levels at workplaces and in the surrounding areas accessible to the public, in the areas where RX facilities of its customers.