In general, the exercise of activities will be subject to a Responsible Declaration, in particular the activities reflected in art. 14 of the OAAE:
- The implementation, modification and exercise of activities included within the scope of application of the Law 2/2012, of June 12, 2012, on the Revitalization of Commercial Activity in the Community of Madrid, with the execution of any type of works, including those that require a technical project for building works in accordance with the provisions of the Article 2.2 of Law 38/1999, of November 5, 1999, on Building Regulation, or without construction work.
- The implementation, modification and exercise of activities included within the scope of application of the Law 12/2012, of December 26, 2012, on Urgent Measures for the Liberalization of Trade and Certain Services.not included in the previous point, and those included in Annex I, with the execution of works that do not require a technical project for building works in accordance with the provisions of the Article 2.2 of Law 38/1999, of November 5.
- The implementation, modification and exercise of public entertainment and recreational activities, when voluntarily chosen by the owner, in accordance with the provisions of the ninth additional provision of Law 17/1997, of July 4, 1997, on Public Entertainment and Recreational Activities of the Community of Madrid.
- The implementation and modification and the exercise of all those activities not subject to prior license in accordance with the provisions of Article 25, with works that do not require a technical project of building works in accordance with the provisions of Article 25, with works that do not require a technical project of building works in accordance with the provisions of Article 25. Article 2.2 of Law 38/1999, of November 5.
- The execution of works that do not require a technical project for building works in accordance with the provisions of the Article 2.2 of Law 38/1999, of November 5, 1999, in any economic activity with a license or declaration, provided that they do not give rise to the modification of the same in accordance with the provisions of the article 10.
Likewise, in accordance with Annex I of the Ordinance, the following activities may be processed by responsible declaration when the necessary works do not require a building project, in accordance with the provisions of Law 38/1999, of November 5, 1999, on the regulation of building:
- Warehouses for the distribution service of non-polluting and non-hazardous goods and industries not included in Article 25.
- Medical offices not subject to environmental assessment of activity in accordance with point 23 of Annex III, without hospitalization and minor surgery and without treatment or diagnostic facilities of those indicated in Article 2.j) (radiology, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine), opticians, pharmacies.
- Gymnasiums, sports facilities, swimming pools without bleachers.
- Any kind of office.
- Commercial and service activities occupying individual premises in municipal markets managed under concession.
- Expansion of existing activities with others compatible with it, provided that the latter are within those that can be processed by responsible declaration. Complementary activities will be included.
- Transformer stations on private land.