SCI has been developing its own Automated Ultrasonic Inspection Equipment for more than a decade, based on conventional pulse-echo techniques, or on other more innovative techniques such as Phased Array or TOFD.
Automatic Ultrasonic Testing (AUT) with the pulse-echo method is performed by dividing the weld into zones and using a specific probe for each zone. This method involves using a probe for each zone, varying the number of probes according to the profile and thickness of the weld. The probes, mounted on a carriage, move circumferentially around the weld while maintaining a constant distance from the centerline of the weld.
Currently, with the use of Phased Array technology, this type of inspection has experienced considerable progress, both in the method of work and in its execution.
The Phased Array system is based on the use of probes with multiple crystals. By selecting a set of them and applying the appropriate delays, we can obtain different angles and focuses. In weld inspection, this means that where previously several probes were used, with this technique we use a single probe.